Wednesday, September 23, 2009

I missed you, Tarantino. His beautifully violent return with "Inglorious Basterds" (2009)

How masterful. Gory, addictive, attractive, artistic, fast, emotional, cinematic. He did it again. And this time, I doubted him. I sort of read the incoming reviews, first from Cannes, then mostly from the American press which was somewhat unreasonably so, too harsh on the historical reflection and immaturity aspect of the movie. Went in without expectations. Oh, but what a ride.
Didn't even notice it was 2.5 hours. Christopher Waltz and Melanie Laurent are stunners. Chris Waltz, we read it everywhere, how skillful and entertaining he is at delivering the perfect, logically evil SS. But Melanie! Only in one of the final scenes, in the projection room, when she cannot control her tears, prior to bringing down the cinema (sorry for the spoilers, but all of you should have already seen it, twice by now), it hit me that it is the Melanie I loved in "Je vais bien, ne t'en fais pas". Glorious depiction of a tormented yet determined soul. And her final act of revenge, up there on the big screen, black and white, brings back the good old Uma Kill Bill memories (her opening shot, and car driving revenge plot).Genius. And the perfectly crafted intellectually probing dialogues that intensify just before the massacre...