Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Trying hard to live an unscripted life in "The Brothers Bloom" (2009)

Yummy. Delightful. Con story. Travel around the world (including Montenegro) story. Friendships, brotherhood and love. Acts and pretense and the real pain. It's hard to go wrong when you mix a refreshingly humorous and sweet as a pie Rachel Weisz, a life tricking Mark Ruffalo and a modestly charming Adrien Brody. This is one of those movies that becomes better and better with each watch and is especially good as a background movie at home, as it often attracts your attention to something you haven't noticed in the first run. "This isn't an adventure story"; " But what are you talking about? IT TOTAAAALLY IS". It is what you want it to be. So is life. Almost. Most memorable scene is Weisz's storytelling of her childhood, where reality is not how you see it or live it, or how you tell it, to yourself. "The trick to not feeling cheated is to learn how to cheat". And then appropriately, the ending gloriously confirms: "We are gonna live, like we're telling the best story in the whole world."