Friday, December 5, 2008

Slumdogs, Chases and Hope - Danny Boyle's Slumdog Millionare

Color. Smashing. Disgust, mixed with endearing laugh. Chases, lots of them. Boyle-esque fast, makes-you-want-to jump off your seat at the end and go and DO SOMETHING (almost Ari Gold's style). Bollywood and Dickens. Hope. Choose life.

Slumdog Millionaire, a story of a Mumbai boy (Jamal) from the slums who rises to India-wide glory by advancing in the India version of How To Be A Millionaire?, has the above elements that you would expect from Danny Boyle, but it is quite different.

[to be continued]

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Friday, September 5, 2008

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FILM 2 LIFE or How Screens Come Into Our Minds

I always believed in the power of films, power of the dark theater room and the story transffered to the screen. But I don't really believe in film reviews or let them guide me. The decision on whether I will go see a film is based on my instinct, the casting and director choices, my mood and the buzz. But not on a particular review or movie box office record or Oscar / film festival potential. Well, to be honest, I do find pleasure in seeing all the Oscar-nominated movies before the show and I am also a Sundance-addict so that little {Official Selection - Sundance Film Festival} notice will attract me. Other independent and international film festival captions are also tempting and somewhat-validating. But not the reason why I go to see a particular film. First of all, I will always find time or money spent on a movie as a justified investment. I will rarely turn down a movie watching activity. Long story short, the purpose of this blog is not to write your typical film reviews. It is not to provide scoring or to persuade you to see a film (although I might find myself doing that subconsciously). There might be some plot spoilers, but this is a place where my thoughts about film and life will collide - in an entirely unsystematic way.